Thursday, June 11, 2009


It seems that our clients in
Wilkes Barre, PA are unstoppable!
Our last blog featured the announcement
for their award-winning restaurant,
and now we have just received notification
that their new offices won the
2009 Pride of Place Award
from the Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce!

The Pride of Place awards recognize businesses
that have created or changed facilities,
while simultaneously enhancing
the community on a significant level.

Back in December 2007, P&H Interiors
was contracted to design the interior
for our clients’ new headquarters.
Upon our analysis of their needs,
it was determined that custom window treatments
and decorative wallcoverings
would greatly enhance the space.
Choice furnishings were selected, and a
custom area rug was designed and fabricated for the Lobby.
The end result is a fabulous new office
that will be featured on their local TV station
at the June 24th awards ceremony.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations
to John and Tina and their tremendous staff!
We feel so very grateful to have been given
this unique opportunity, and we feel very humbled
by this honor being granted
by the Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber.

The Pride of Place Awards
have left us very proud indeed!

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